Friday 30 August 2013

Jelly Babies

When eating a packet of Jelly Babies have you ever thought that they would have a long history behind them?
Well Jelly Babies were first believed to have been produced to celebrate the end of the First World War in 1918, they were known as 'Peace Babies'.
         They were then Rationed in the Second World War causing production to be stopped but in 1953 but after the they came back as Basset's Jelly Babies.
         This is the believed argument but recently some people have been saying that Jelly Babies were around before the end of the Second World War. In Victorian Times!
        The story goes that they were actually created by Herr Steinbeck an Austrian in 1864. He then moved to Lancashire where he started work at Bassetts sweet factory with the ‘baby’ design based on traditional Austrian gingerbread men.
So next time you are tucking into your favorite packet of Jelly Babies, think that they have been around for quite a while!

Thursday 29 August 2013


Why do some people who are respected and famous within society think that it is acceptable to abuse their place and use it to their twisted advantage. What makes it even worse is that they hide it and still pretend to the rest of society that nothing is going on. They convince everyone to love them and give them access to even more vulnerable people. It is only when it all comes out that people finally find out what people are really like. All the clips that people used to watch and admire suddenly become sinister and creepy. Why does it have to happen? Why do people abuse their position in society? It needs to be closer regulated and monitored because clearly the current system does not work and never did.